"Sun Microsystems has made a proposal to the department of biotechnology to invest in bioinformatics projects in India and to collaborate with various R&D institutions under the department in this burgeoning area. DBT's Task Force on bioinformatics has asked to multinational to specify the quantum of investment and the specific areas of bioinformatics wherein alliances could be forged with Indian institutes."
Official sources said that the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics, Hyderabad which has an alliance with software services major Tata Consultancy Services, would possibly be a nodal centre for the joint venture project with Sun."
redux [07.14.03]
Financial Express Indian Bioinformatics Market To Touch $20 M By '06: Report
"The report estimates that currently up to 10 per cent of investment in R&D is IT-related, and hence there is huge potential for Indian biotech and IT companies to enter into collaborative bioinformatics research with global pharma majors in the near term.
The report, however, indicated that despite India's IT capabilities, it may be difficuly to replicate this success in biotechnology as biotechnology differs from IT in many ways. Avendus suggests that Indian players will have to leverage upon the lower costs of infrastructure and human resources. The cost of setting up and running a bioinformatics company in India is a fraction of the cost in the US."
redux [03.18.03]
The Hindu Biotech industry fails to take quantum jump - Chamber
"Despite several strengths inherent, India's biotechnology industry is not able to take a quantum jump mainly due to lack of capital and low R&D spending, absence of industry-academic partnership and the mismatch between strategic research, product planning and effective collaboration.
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) paper on Business of Biotechnology has pointed out that India has several options with the main focus on informatics. Bioinformatics is crucial for the advancement of the biotech industry by cutting the timeframe and costs in developing a product tremendously."
The Buffalo News Bioinformatics: Fears amid cheers
"Everyone in the room, from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Buffalo Mayor Anthony Masiello, was beaming at last week's announcement.
The news was that Asia's largest computer consultant has become a deep-pocket partner of the University at Buffalo. Under an agreement signed Monday, Tata Consultancy Services of India will partner with local researchers and help transform their discoveries into money-making products."
"But some in the tech community voiced concern that the state's $100 million-plus bioinformatics investment will wind up boosting the economy in Bombay instead of Buffalo."
redux [12.13.02]
BioMedNet India's millions mint a genomics treasure
[requires 'free' registration]
"India is set to reap substantial rewards in the field of functional genomics, thanks to an invaluable genetic resource and highly advanced IT expertise, predicts Samir Brahmachari, director of the country's Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in Delhi."
"Brahmachari sees India's genetic resource - not the biological samples themselves, but the associated information - as a tradable commodity. Data can be processed using India's unparalleled IT expertise, he says: The country's IT industry generated about $10 billion in revenues this year, and has continued to grow by 50% each year over the past decade. The information, once processed, represents an "intellectual-property protectable" commodity, he says."
redux [06.23.02]
Business Standard Pharma sector to rise 3-fold by 2005
"Also, India's success in information technology provides excellent opportunities in the field of bioinformatics.
"Traditional IT companies are translating their strong capabilities in data mining and warehousing to business models based on biological data," says the report, citing examples of IBM's India Research Lab and Satyam's five-year agreement with the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad."
redux [02.13.02]
World Press Review Biotech: The Third Wave
"India's biotech boom could even dwarf software in coming years if you trust the most optimistic projections. Much of our $2.5-billion biotech market relies on low-end products like vaccines, but experts predict that as more start-ups come up, that could change dramatically."
"The need to dive into this ocean of genetic data for hidden treasures has created a whole new discipline--bio-informatics, the science of using information technology (IT) to decipher the genomic jumble. Thanks to a flourishing IT industry, bioinformatics is today the darling of venture capitalists, drug firms, and, of course, IT majors. So, Satyam Computers has signed a five-year alliance with CCMB to create, store, and annotate genetic databases, and it is angling for contracts from global bigpharma to sequence genes and build protein catalogs. Strand Genomics, a Bangalore-based bio-informatics start-up, is designing tools to accelerate drug discovery."
redux [09.17.01]
ZDNet India Focus on PC penetration, Indian software use: TCS chief
"India has the potential to garner 8-10 per cent of the global software market in the next few years from the current levels of just 1.5 per cent, but the country?s planners need to focus on improving computer penetration and use of Indian made software in the industry.
This was the view of FC Kohli, chairman, Tata Consultancy Services, while speaking at Connect 2001, an international conference and exhibition on information technology, communication technologies and bioinformatics, which opened on Thursday. Currently, India's IT exports are about $8.7 billion."
redux [08.27.01]
Hindu Business Line That's the sequence, Watson!
"THE mood is one of caution as far as bioinformatics is concerned. The beginning of the year saw hype building up around the fledgling industry as the next big gold rush for India.
But six months after the first bioinformatics seminar in the country, with the IT industry's lesson on hype fresh in mind, things are moving at a more sedate pace."
"In India, bioinformatics training institutes have already begun to mushroom. Bangalore and Hyderabad have around five private training institutes between them. However, the industry is sceptical about the quality of manpower these centres can supply because most of them have short-term courses offering basic skills, says Dr. Sabharwal. In all fairness to them she adds, "We need to wait for a few months to see the outcome of it all.""
“Bioinformatics will be at the core of biology in the 21st century. In fields ranging from structural biology to genomics to biomedical imaging, ready access to data and analytical tools are fundamentally changing the way investigators in the life sciences conduct research and approach problems. Complex, computationally intensive biological problems are now being addressed and promise to significantly advance our understanding of biology and medicine. No biological discipline will be unaffected by these technological breakthroughs.”
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