"If you do decide to go back to school, consider what area of biotech will make the best use of the skills you already have.
For example, bioinformatics -- the intersection of biology and computer science -- needs people with a background in computer science who also understand biology enough to help companies handle the data that their research generates. If you find an area where you can build on your previous experience, rather than trying to start from scratch, you'll have a better chance of success."
redux [08.26.02]
Genomeweb School of Informatics moving into its envisioned role at IU"Three years after Indiana University launched its School of Informatics, the school is growing into the role that officials envisioned."
"Perhaps most significantly, the number of IU informatics majors topped 1,100 this year, almost triple what it was a year earlier."
"The Bloomington campus had its first informatics classes in 2000 and offers master's degrees in bioinformatics, chemical informatics and human-computer interaction. Undergraduate majors study informatics along with a "cognate area" such as computer science, economics and telecommunications."
redux [08.06.02]
Genomeweb New University Degree Programs Fuel Surge in Bioinformatics Grads in '02"The number of card-carrying bioinformaticists entering the job market more than tripled in 2002, according to a recent survey of US university degree programs."
"This new wave of graduates -- not to mention their prospective employers -- are the first beneficiaries of the remarkable growth seen over the last few years in the number of degree programs: While only six dedicated bioinformatics-degree programs existed before 1997, 13 universities added new programs in 2001, and seven schools are adding bioinformatics-related degrees in 2002."
redux [10.05.01]
The Washington Post Bio-Help Wanted And Wooed"Almost all companies say they're having trouble finding people with expertise in bioinformatics, the use of computers to solve complex biological problems. The human genome's mapping has ushered in a new era of genetic medicine, but to capitalize on this knowledge, researchers need to know how to use powerful computers to translate raw biological data into information useful for developing new therapies.
"There's a struggle to have people that are well educated in both computer science as well as biology," said David Pot , InforMax's director of application sciences. "We recognize we need super scientists, but those super scientists don't have the training to write super software.""
redux [03.05.01]
SFGate Why Bioinformatics Is Hot Career"Move over Information Age. Make room for the age of bioinformation.
Experts have already dubbed bioinformatics - a hybrid profession pairing biology and computer science - the career choice of the decade.
"There is a crying need for experts in bioinformatics and this is not something that will just fade away," said Dr. Leena Peltonen, chairwoman of the Department of Human Genetics at UCLA."
redux [05.10.00]
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Hiring Patterns Experienced by Students Enrolled in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Programs" "The results of our current survey make it clear that the majority of these jobs are not being filled by graduates of formal programs - who by our count represent about 15 percent of the positions advertised in 1997. And, we believe the 15 percent figure to be an overestimate given that ads have been growing over time and our most recent ad count is for 1997, a year earlier than our hiring data. This leads us to infer that most of the advertised positions are being filled by individuals trained in informal programs and by individuals who change jobs. The distinct possibility exists that a number of these jobs remain vacant for a period of time, an issue not studied here. Furthermore, our pipeline estimates (see Table 2) lead us to conclude that the number of individuals currently enrolled in formal programs falls far short of the number of positions that have recently been advertised." "
“Bioinformatics will be at the core of biology in the 21st century. In fields ranging from structural biology to genomics to biomedical imaging, ready access to data and analytical tools are fundamentally changing the way investigators in the life sciences conduct research and approach problems. Complex, computationally intensive biological problems are now being addressed and promise to significantly advance our understanding of biology and medicine. No biological discipline will be unaffected by these technological breakthroughs.”
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