"Large companies relying on in-house knowledge to maintain market dominance have highly evolved IT systems for capturing, storing and analyzing that knowledge."
"Just take GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK). The $27.5 billion, London-based pharmaceutical firm is a Lotus Notes shop. It uses an array of customized Notes templates and databases to track just about everything it does."
"The problem: Capturing external knowledge, and discretely sharing internal knowledge, weren't possible."
redux [02.21.02]
EyeForPharma Changing pharma's attitude about knowledge management"However, according to Victor Newman, Chief Learning Officer at Pfizer, knowledge management can only be capitalized on by pharma when we recognize that it's not the knowledge itself that gives us power, but the way we use it."
""Unless you involve people in your vision of what you want the technology to achieve, then they don't actually start to change their psychology in preparation of how they are going to change the way they perform in order to make it happen. We have realized that KM is a more personal activity than it was. It's now more about how we design conversations so people know who to talk to when they need specific knowledge. I believe knowledge management is about managing dialogue.""
redux [11.05.01]
CW360 IBM executive urges knowledge management caution"One of the major problems with expert communities, according to Snowden, is that they train behaviour and prevent innovation. Encouraging multiple informal communities throughout the company is a critical step toward innovation, he said.
"Identify people with like interests and pull them together. Allow people to cluster and form communities, then reinforce the ones you want." Snowden said. "Informal communities keep organisations together and make things work.""
redux [06.12.01]
DigitalMASS First rule of knowledge management: Knowing who needs what"Within IBM, there's an interesting disconnect between Cooper's team and Larry Prusak's IBM Institute for Knowledge Management, a research group located just across the street from Cooper in Cambridge. While Cooper is trying to sell a sophisticated piece of software that uses automated spiders, linguistic analysis, and Bayesian arithmetic to create topical clusters of documents and identify in-house gurus, Prusak is publishing books and articles that say that the key to developing the kind of strong relationships that make companies more effective -- what he calls social capital -- has nothing to do with software.
In an article in the June issue of the Harvard Business Review, Prusak argues that virtuality -- collaborating with colleagues in an online chat-room, for example -- can eat away at the social fabric of an organization."
redux [08.04.00]
Software Carpentry Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration"The Web was invented so that scientists could use computer networks to collaborate -- that is, exchange documents, discuss them, coordinate work, create and publish collective knowledge. It was, in other words, supposed to be a groupware application.
Despite the popularity of the Web -- or, perhaps, because of that popularity -- it has yet to fulfill that original mission. Today's Web is more like a shotgun marriage of electronic publishing and broadcast television than it is like an engineered solution for group collaboration. True, the Internet empowers today's working scientist in ways only dreamed of even a decade ago. Yet our use of it often remains rooted in pre-Web idioms and habits -- partly because we don't fully exploit today's Internet communication tools, but mainly because we're still missing key tools and infrastructure."
“Bioinformatics will be at the core of biology in the 21st century. In fields ranging from structural biology to genomics to biomedical imaging, ready access to data and analytical tools are fundamentally changing the way investigators in the life sciences conduct research and approach problems. Complex, computationally intensive biological problems are now being addressed and promise to significantly advance our understanding of biology and medicine. No biological discipline will be unaffected by these technological breakthroughs.”
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