"Man is both essential vehicle and easy victim for the malaria injected by mosquitoes. But that may be about to change: "For the first time," says genome researcher Malcolm Gardner, "we have the genomes of the three organisms in this life cycle.""
"No one pretends that knowing these strings of DNA will stamp out the disease tomorrow. "We're not claiming this is it for malaria," says Gardner, of The Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland."
"What it does do is catalogue genes that could be targeted by future drugs or vaccines to eliminate the parasite, or by insecticides to crush the insect."
Guardian Unlimited Complete DNA coding opens new ways to beat malaria"Knowledge of the parasite's makeup has already pointed scientists towards six potential drugs, including one widely used in mouthwash and toothpastes. New weapons against an enemy that has been quietly crippling the economies of African nations could be ready in as little as five years. Researchers in London and Washington yesterday were exultant.
"Eradicating malaria is now more than just a dream," said Brian Greenwood, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "
ABCNews.Com Gene Maps Do Little for Malaria Vaccine - Group"The best hope of eliminating any disease is a vaccine, but malaria vaccine experts say that any breakthroughs in their quest are at least a decade away -- despite the publication on Wednesday of the entire genomes of both the malaria parasite and the mosquito that carries it."
""It's not as relevant to us," she said in a telephone interview. "The technology to translate from the genome to a vaccine is still being developed.""
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