"The final version, which could be useful in protein-interaction studies, will include 1,400 next-generation Intel Itanium processors with an expected peak performance of 9.1 teraflops. It will cost $24.5 million and exceed by more than 30 times the speed of PNNL's old supercomputer, which was state of the art when it was installed in 1997."
"According to HP, the system, scheduled to begin delivery in the fall and go fully on-line next spring, will be the world's most powerful Linux-based system."
The New York Times At Los Alamos, Two Visions of Supercomputing
[requires 'free' registration]
"Though Q will be almost 200 times as fast, it will cost 640 times as much -- $215 million, compared with $335,000 for Green Destiny. And that does not count housing expenses -- the $93 million Metropolis center that provides the temperature-controlled, dust-free environment Q demands."
" Green Destiny belongs to a class of makeshift supercomputers called Beowulf clusters."
redux [07.13.01]
Scientific American The Do-It-Yourself Supercomputer"Our solution was to construct a computing cluster using obsolete PCs that ORNL would have otherwise discarded. Dubbed the Stone SouperComputer because it was built essentially at no cost, our cluster of PCs was powerful enough to produce ecoregion maps of unprecedented detail. Other research groups have devised even more capable clusters that rival the performance of the world's best supercomputers at a mere fraction of their cost. This advantageous price-to-performance ratio has already attracted the attention of some corporations, which plan to use the clusters for such complex tasks as deciphering the human genome. In fact, the cluster concept promises to revolutionize the computing field by offering tremendous processing power to any research group, school or business that wants it."
"Above all, the Beowulf concept is an empowering force. It wrests high-level computing away from the privileged few and makes low-cost parallel-processing systems available to those with modest resources. Research groups, high schools, colleges or small businesses can build or buy their own Beowulf clusters, realizing the promise of a supercomputer in every basement. Should you decide to join the parallel-processing proletariat, please contact us through our Web site ( and tell us about your Beowulf-building experiences."
“Bioinformatics will be at the core of biology in the 21st century. In fields ranging from structural biology to genomics to biomedical imaging, ready access to data and analytical tools are fundamentally changing the way investigators in the life sciences conduct research and approach problems. Complex, computationally intensive biological problems are now being addressed and promise to significantly advance our understanding of biology and medicine. No biological discipline will be unaffected by these technological breakthroughs.”
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