"The new deal is similar to one Celera signed earlier with a national research body in Australia. It sets out standard terms under which researchers at the cancer institute can secure access to Celera's databases, which include maps of the genetic material of humans, laboratory mice, fruit flies, and other organisms. Between 300 and 400 cancer researchers are potentially eligible, though it's unclear how many will sign up."
"It was always frustrating for me and some of my colleagues that originally came out of NIH to be listed as competing and battling with NIH," said J. Craig Venter, Celera's president and chief scientific officer. "We'd much rather be working with them than against them. This is a wonderful step in that direction."
GenomeWeb The NCI Subscription Deal with Celera""I?m ecstatic, I want to see what?s there," said an NCI scientist who asked for anonymity. "My collaborators and competitors, Howard Hughes, Johns Hopkins, and others, have access to that information," the source added, anticipating the opportunity to soon review the data. "I?m sure there?s data there not in the public domain," especially with SNPs and the mouse genome. "To me, it?s worth the approximate $15,000 to $20,000" for access.
"How much these agreements and any subscriptions stemming from them may be worth to Celera, besides possibly bragging rights, is a matter of speculation, however."
redux [03.24.01]
BioMedNet Celera human genome data not Wellcome
[requires 'free' registration]
"The Wellcome Trust has told its grantees that they may not use Wellcome money to subscribe to the Celera Genomics human genome database. Since Wellcome helped provide funding for the public Human Genome Project, it wants researchers to use the free public databases. Celera says no problem; scientists can still access the free portion of the company's data. A Wellcome official says that the policy is just a way of getting value for its money, because there's no evidence that the private database is better than the public one.
Reference: Adam, D. 2001. No Wellcome money for Celera. Nature 410(6827):397."
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