"Now, after a study that sent reverberations through the medical profession by finding that almost one-third of top research articles have been either contradicted or seriously questioned, some specialists are calling for radical changes in the system."
In advance of a world congress on peer review next month in Chicago, these specialists are suggesting that reviewers drop their anonymity and allow comments to be published."
""It would be lovely to start anew and to set up a trial of peer review against no peer review," Rennie said. "But no journal is willing to risk it.""
redux [06.25.04]
The New York Times A Quiet Revolt Puts Costly Journals on Web
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"More than money and success is at stake. Free and widespread distribution of new research has the potential to redefine the way scientific and intellectual developments are recorded, circulated and preserved for years to come.
"Society pays for science," said Dr. Nicolelis, whose article in the October issue of PLoS got worldwide attention. "We have the technology, we have the expertise. Why is it that the only thing that has remained the same for 50 years is the way we publish our results? The whole system needs overhaul.""
redux [11.22.03]
USA Today Upstart science journals take on the powerhouses"Science's Rocky-style publishing battle starts its second round Monday when a groundbreaking journal releases its latest issue.
The challenger, the upstart Public Library of Science: Biology, packed a strong punch last month with its first issue, which featured a headline-grabbing report of monkeys getting brain implants to control robot arms. The upcoming issue spotlights newly discovered genes for obesity and osteoporosis."
redux [10.14.03]
The Star-Ledger Browsers swamp science Web site"There are lots of scientific journals, and the debut of another one normally would not raise many eyebrows.
But yesterday's online launch of Public Library of Science Biology drew so many curious browsers -- half-a-million Web hits in the first eight hours -- that the swamped site had to divert many to a backup site."
"Led by heavyweights such as Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, former director of the National Institutes of Health, the PLoS project aims to shake up the world of scholarly publishing by freely sharing its monthly contents."
redux [10.10.03]
Guardian Unlimited Scientists take on the publishers in an experiment to make research free to all"In the highly lucrative world of cutting-edge scientific research, it is nothing short of a revolution. A group of leading scientists are to mount an unprecedented challenge to the publishers that lock away the valuable findings of research in expensive, subscription-only electronic databases by launching their own journal to give away results for free.
The control of information on everything from new cancer treatments to space exploration is at stake, while caught in the crossfire are the world's publicly funded scientists, some of whom will soon face a choice between their career and their conscience."
redux [08.22.03]
The Scientist Economics of open access
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"Debate over open access to scientific articles is steadily moving into the mainstream, with the publication this month of an editorial in The New York Times, a recently introduced Congressional bill to promote open access publishing, and a television commercial sponsored by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), a California-based group that plans to launch an open-access journal in October.
As enthusiasm grows, however, some skeptics wonder whether open-access journals will succeed financially, since they charge relatively small "article processing fees," paid upfront by the researcher, instead of substantial fees for institutional library subscriptions."
redux [07.01.03]
Salon The free research movement""It's ridiculous," Eisen said in this voice during a recent phone interview from Washington. "All these things we're so used to doing with information on the Internet, we're preventing clever entrepreneurial people from doing with works of science. The idea that a narrow profit motive would prevent the dissemination of this information -- it's insane!"
Eisen was in Washington to lend his support to a congressional effort he believes will make scientific publishing less insane and less ridiculous. Most scientific journals -- such as Science, Nature or the New England Journal of Medicine -- require researchers to turn over all rights to the reports selected for publication; the publications then charge institutions and individuals subscription fees to view these reports, a model that Eisen believes inhibits scientific progress. The approach is especially galling, Eisen says, when you consider that a great deal of the money that funds the research published in these journals comes from the federal government. The public is paying for science that it never gets to see, he says."
redux [12.16.02]
The New York Times New Premise in Science: Get the Word Out Quickly, Online
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"A group of prominent scientists is mounting an electronic challenge to the leading scientific journals, accusing them of holding back the progress of science by restricting online access to their articles so they can reap higher profits.
Supported by a $9 million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the scientists say that this week they will announce the creation of two peer-reviewed online journals on biology and medicine, with the goal of cornering the best scientific papers and immediately depositing them in the public domain."
redux [11.15.02]
Federal Computer Week More sites targeted for shutdown"Having persuaded the Energy Department to pull the plug on PubScience, a Web site that offered free access to scientific and technical articles, commercial publishers are taking aim at government-funded information services offering free legal and agricultural data.
"We're delighted with the decision [to shut down PubScience]," LeDuc said. "The administration has done a tremendous job of hearing our concerns and responding to what we've always considered to be our legitimate concern."
redux [09.24.02]
BioMedNet Adam Smith and science journals
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"The UK's Office of Fair Trading says that the prices for scientific, technical, and medical (STM) journals are too high because normal competitive forces have been suspended. Libraries are paying too much. The prices of STMs are rising faster than inflation, and the disparity between for-profit and not-for-profit journals is obvious. Part of the problem is that the journals compete on quality, not price, so libraries are prone to skip the cheaper journals for the better, more expensive ones. Bundling journals also skews the market.
Goodman, S. 2002. "Unusual forces" are pushing journal market off course. Nature 419(6904):239.
redux [09.05.01]
BioMedNet Profit vs. Public access
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"Publishers of established scientific journals have thus far resisted demands for freer access. In its campaign to make biomedical research literature available free online, Public Library of Science is now taking a new tack: It hopes to publish peer-reviewed, electronic journals.
"If we really want to change the publication of scientific research, we must do the publishing ourselves," says an announcement posted Sept. 1 on the group's Web site. "It is time for us to work together to create the journals we have called for."
redux [04.24.01]
Scientific American Publish Free or Perish"When a molecular biologist or a biochemist has made a discovery - often after many months or even years of tedious experiments - they tell the rest of the world by publishing their results in a scientific journal. So far, these journals have controlled who can read them and who cannot - but maybe not for much longer.
E-mail, Internet discussion groups, electronic databases and pre- or e-print servers have already transformed the way scientists openly exchange their results. And in the life sciences, researchers are now demanding that their work be included in at least one free central electronic archive of published literature, challenging the traditional ownership of publishers. The demand has sparked widespread discussions among scientists, publishers, scientific societies and librarians about the future of scientific publishing. The outcome may be nothing short of a revolution in the scientific publishing world."
redux [09.20.00]
BioMedCentral Freedom of Information Conference: The impact of open access on biomedical research"How should biomedical research be communicated? How should research be assessed and validated?"
"Below are abstracts, transcripts, and biographies from the conference. Some presentations did not lend themselves to transcription. Where possible we have supplemented them with editorials from the speakers.
We have also commissioned editorial articles from several speakers and delagates at the meeting."
“Bioinformatics will be at the core of biology in the 21st century. In fields ranging from structural biology to genomics to biomedical imaging, ready access to data and analytical tools are fundamentally changing the way investigators in the life sciences conduct research and approach problems. Complex, computationally intensive biological problems are now being addressed and promise to significantly advance our understanding of biology and medicine. No biological discipline will be unaffected by these technological breakthroughs.”
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